Since 1996 it hadn’t rained equal than the lasts days in Catalonia. The “Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya” has calculated 70 l/m2 since Friday 9th until Sunday 11th of May. These rains have arrived to 100 l/m2 in Barcelona, a place where the water is well received because there is a hard problem.
With these rains, the water receivers have increased their capacity and that is a positive fact because in Barcelona they have water restrictions. People can’t fill their swimming pools, wash the flowers and the ground because the punishments are very expensive. They can rise about hundreds of euros.
In my opinion we can’t trust in the rain because is a natural fact and we can’t control that. We have to be intelligent to know that the water can be finished some day. All of us have to fight to get a prudent use of the water. I think if we don’t solve the water problem known, it can be bigger and we all have a lot of thinks to loss.
Khaled Malas Tolsá.
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